Browser Extension for Microsoft Edge

Outlook browser extension banner.png


1 designer, 1 PM, 3 engineers


Oct 2020– Feb 2021



About Edge extensions

Microsoft Edge browser has a large catalogue of extensions that help users quickly access tools or services while they browse the internet or work online. The Outlook mobile web app experience was suited to be used as a starting point for the extension.


To build an official Outlook browser extension to help users quickly check their email, calendars and contacts. In shipping v.1, we aimed to study active user feedback and app usage patterns to validate our hypotheses for a focused v.2.

My role

I helped the engineering team build a v.1, while creating a vision for the based on our hypotheses, feedback from early user interviews and a set of user jobs we believed would be best served by a browser extension.

Shipped v.1 in June 2021: Available for download / Press

browser extension.png

Get in touch with me to know more about this project.